Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Film Review: The Last Exorcism

Film Review: The Last Exorcism

the last exorcism

Not just another film filled with head turns and watered down guac but a film made to bring you at the edge of your seat in wonder. Shot in a moch documentary style by Daniel Stamm and produced by Eli Roth. Tells the tail of a preacher that performed Exorcisms and decided after a while to exploit his last one via a documentary to show the false promises that he made in the past due to regret. Reading a letter that requested his services for a young farm girl in Louisiana which leads to his last Exorcism. The camera work in the film was shot in the same style of other mockmentary type films but the story of the film caught me by surprise and left the theatre in goosebumps. I rarely get goosebumps from horror films these days but this film surely did the job. I highly recommend to watch this film after the sunset anything less would be surely lame.

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